5 Mistakes People Make with Sugar Flowers

by Kelsie Delisle | Reading Time: 2 Minutes

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5 mistakes people make with Sugar Flowers!

1. Refrigerating them in a commercial fridge

If your fridge has high humidity, DO NOT put your Sugar Flowers in there for any amount of time! Most home fridges have low humidity, so the flowers will be okay for a day. Don’t store them in the fridge or freezer long term. 

2. Not opening your package after delivery.

I’ve shipped *literally thousands* of Sugar Flowers, even across continents + oceans. Most orders arrive un-damaged, but I cannot control what the post office does. And sometimes (despite my best efforts) a petal or 2 (or 15) gets broken. The sooner you unpack your order, the sooner I can provide help! 

3. Being Vague about Colors

Being vague or not providing color samples for custom orders. I get way too granular when it comes to color so if you tell me pink, I’m gonna need to see some visuals of what you mean. 

4. Not fluffing the flowers

Forgetting to “fluff” the petals when you put flowers on the cake. When I package the flowers, I close up the petals tight so they don’t get damaged during shipping (see mistake # 2) but wired flowers (magnolias, open roses, tulips, orchids, etc) can be opened up, and the flowers look so much better that way! 

5. And the number one mistake? Waiting too long to order!!

I ship most orders from The Shop in 2 days, and I do have overnight shipping options (I get it- those last-minute switch-ups happen) but if you live in Alaska and I live in Florida…I can’t guarantee your order will arrive the day after you place the order. And ESPECIALLY if you place the order after 3pm when the last express pickups of the day go out and I’m already clocked out.

What mistakes have you made with Sugar Flowers? 

Want me to make a list of top mistakes while *making* Sugar Flowers? Throw me a comment below + let me know if you want to learn more! 

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5 Mistakes People Make with Sugar Flowers – Pin it for Later!

5 mistakes people make with sugar flowers
Heads up! This post contains affiliate links. If you buy through my links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). I only share tools and resources I truly love. Read my full affiliate disclosure here.

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