Hey there! This is a quick blog post to update you on what’s going on behind-the-scenes as the end of the year approaches!
I will be officially starting my maternity leave on November 22nd! If you need Sugar Flowers for after this date, please order now. My Etsy shop will be open with products that are ready for shipping, and my website shop will also be open but delivery dates will be postponed until March 8th, 2024.
Kelsie will be on maternity leave from November 22nd, 2023 to March 8th, 2024.
Digital products will still be available, but all Sugar Flowers will ship after March 8.
If you need custom Sugar Flowers for Spring of 2024, you can still order while I am on maternity leave. I will be delayed in responding to emails but you’ll also be able chat with my incredible business manager, Jaclyn, if you have any questions during the ordering process. Again, orders won’t ship until after March 8, 2024.

Pricing will probably change between now and March, as my bookkeeper and I have been auditing all my costs and expenses and making sure everything is profitable for next year. (My bookkeeper is my husband, I finally roped him into an official role!)
Digital products such as tutorials, workshops, checklists, and software templates will still be available while I am on leave. This is a low-maintenance way of me keeping the lights on while I am prepping for our new baby girl (and also making sure I take care of my own health!). I’ll also have some “print on demand” items for sale on Etsy. These are products like t-shirts that are designed by me but printed and shipped by another company.

If you have any questions, the fastest way to contact me is through email.
I’m so grateful for your support and encouragement and love as I wind down business operations for 2023 and get ready to grow my family. This year has been an absolute roller coaster with so many things to be grateful for. I need to do a recap of all the exciting things that have happened this year!
Order your Sugar Flowers now so you’re ready to go next year! Sugar Flowers have a ridiculously long shelf life, so you don’t have to worry about them wilting or spoiling!
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